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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Art: Looking for a modern cartoon-ish print of a Duck, specific character, etc.


Art: Looking for a modern cartoon-ish print of a Duck, specific character, etc. Please HELP?

I had seen years ago an art print I like, I looked through Allposters and BareWalls, and can't find it. I've googled and Yahooed, to no avail!
It was an art print of a modern, bright colored cartoonish duck painting a room, and he had painted himself into a corner.
I remember looking up the artist years ago and it seems it was a pretty famous series he did around this same duck.
Does anyone know what I am talkign about? Seems most of them were politically based. Thanks in advance!!

Additional Details

1 month ago
I am thinking it was the Sitting Ducks series by Michael Bedard. I just cant find that specific print now. Any help would be GREAT!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Perhaps Michael Bedard is who you are looking for.

See if his style matches what you remember.