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Why are you a Yahoo! Answers "Top Contributer"?

Because that would mean you have spent countless hours on this program answering question and aquiring points, yet you don't win anything. So, what do you get out of it? Is it simply just a way to pass time or a nice hobby? No offense meant, I'm just really very curious :) thx!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

It's great fun reading questions like yours and seeing Answers like all those given. Only misinformed trolls look for points because even YA management itself is not interested in awarding such effortless little one or two points! YA is more interested in eager folks who are easily beckoned by such things as points. That's why they would encourage you to answer more, "you are on a roll" kind of stuff and "gain more points by answering" kind of blinding glue!
I am given the badge of top-contributor so that you can answer more questions. It is a game to invite as many folks as possible to answer questions imagining rather blindly if they are top-contributors like me, they'll feel better. Well, that's just part of it.
I do spend lots of time here reading interesting questions and answers and also answering others. It is a hobby like playing scrabble or chess. I learn and get challenged to explore websites I never dreamed of accessing and thus gaining more knowledge. For example now I know which animal collapses and dies as a result of being on heat! I know why it is acceptable to jump a queue for a toilet/bathroom if you have diarrhea?. And I also know why people answer even when they obviously don't know what they are talking about.
In short YA is great fun!!
Good luck but I am still hanging around for some time before I proceed to meet my uncle, the one who looks like a barracuda!!