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Listening and watching the washer wash.?

So and i the only one that watches the Top load washer wash? Specially the spin cycle. The washer making the wishy washy sound, Sounds relaxing. It makes me think mostly how machines make are life a little easier. one time i watched my brothers front load washer when i was over at his place. same thing, makes me relax and think. I was wondering if some one made a song that sounds like a washer and like added a beat to it? that would be the song to put me asleep at night. Yeah, i bet some of you are thinking, what a weirdo or that sounds boring! If you didn't try it before, just do it some time. I got a lot of time on my hands so I'm like looking at every thing that makes me think and wonder how it works, I like the feeling of relaxation like every one here.

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1 month ago
Kool Bartmooby, I'm not alone on the sounds of the washing machine, Yeah the dryer to sounds relaxing too.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

No, you're not a weirdo at all. Rhythmic, repetitive sounds are very soothing and conducive to reflection & thought. My laundry room is about 10 feet from my bedroom, and I often put laundry over right before bedtime. Although when I think of it, it's the sound of the dryer that lulls me to sleep,the gentle swoosh-swoosh-thump. Maybe i'm a weirdo, too!