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Does anyone have any information on a painter named Montani?

They do post-impressionist paintings of Europe. Any info?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The only article I could find on Montani is this one in around Post-Impressionist times.

David Hockney, one of the best British painters and graphic artists, Hockney was talking about early nineteenth century British painting.

Then, he went to Bristol's Public Library, and there, he at random picked up an artist's magazine, which was published in 1804, during Napoleonic years, well before the Battle of Waterloo.

He started to read an article, written by some art critic of the times.

The article was about a painter called Montani, painter of average quality whose pictures in words of an art critic, were good enough to hang only in the barber shops. It was also said the Montani concentrated too much on painting 'red uniforms'. All in all, according to an art critic, Montani was an average painter with the bad taste, using too much bright colour.