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Probable impossibilities?

"Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities"

What on earth does this mean?? Aristotle mentions this quote in chapter 24 of Aristotle's Poetics and I can't for the life if me understand what exactly a Probable Impossibility is!!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

"Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities"

I think he means that there is a chance that unimaginable things can happen-probable impossibilities-, but he prefers to think of it as unimaginable things that can come true. I think I may have confused you even more. Let me rephrase it

He thinks, for example, that the moon can fall to earth. It's likely to happen, who knows? But it is better to thing that it is an impossibility that can happen not as something that can maybe occure.
*Now I confused my self!*