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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > I love ART a lot, i know i want to do something in art but what souled i do?


I love ART a lot, i know i want to do something in art but what souled i do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Try different things. Take as many classes as you can and learn about techinques and materials. Experiment. People have made art out of wood, metal, fabric, paper, broken glass. Take a class in pottery, computer graphics, photography, film making. I had a friend who made fantastic pictures out of torn up construction paper. I saw a whole exhibit once of pictures made from clothes dryer fluff. Another friend makes collages out of stuff she finds or buys at garage sales. Go to exhibits. See what exites you and give it a try. Collage is a great form to experiment with. You can cut pictures out of magazines or from other sources and combine them in interesting ways, playng with color and form. You might want to add some paint or clay or fabric or other materials to add emphasis or variety. Let yourself grow as you experiment. One of my friends started out doing pottery in high school and is now a professional sculptor whose monuments can be seen in many parks and public places.