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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Has God started the fire of hell,or is He waiting for final judgement's day?


Has God started the fire of hell,or is He waiting for final judgement's day?

Can God-Christian/Islamic be so cruel to make someone burn eternally???

I prefer reincarnation myself...

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9 months ago
Krishna is all merciful!
He created Karma,or the law that makes you pay exactly for what you did wrong:an eye for an eye!
A bomb for a bomb! careful of your actions!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Get off the crack pal!

Fire is an ancient spiritual symbol for purification, there is real meaning behind these writing, but they at not at all about God torturing people. You simply misunderstand the symbols of these texts! Jesus does also talk about reincarnation when he says that John The Baptist's spirit was that of a previous Prophet. Remember Jesus talks about the secrets of Heaven and such things as this. Many truths are hidden in these texts and not easily seen through language translation. Especially since the people who translated them did not understand much ancient ways of language. Learn more about ancient writings. Then read Biblical texts more openly and patiently and you will gain a better vision of what is being said!