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How has allegory been used in art, besides in baroque painting and in extended textual metaphors?

In a poem, I'm trying to construct an allegory using elements other than the text. Perhaps using color, concrete visualization or any visual element. Any idea?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Perhaps your metaphors within the text need to refer to colours and other visual elements in order to construct the allegory ?

Or maybe your whole poem could be an allegory (as it has been suggested the Lord of the Rings was an allegory of the First World War).

Perhaps the poem could be constructed so that visually it reinforces the allegory (naively a poem about a Christmas tree could be written so that the verses actually look like a Christmas tree - you get my meaning).

Sounds fascinating anyway - will you publish ?

Perhaps some of these written, rather than visual, allegories may give you some inspiration,

William Golding – Lord of the Flies
George Orwell – Animal Farm
Arthur Miller – The Crucible
Philip Pullman – His Dark Materials
Hualing Nieh – Mulberry and Peach
David Lindsay – A Voyage to Arcturus
Rex Warner – The Aerodrome
Aesop – Fables
Plato – The Republic
Plato – Phaedrus
William Langland – Piers Plowman
Dante Alighieri – The Divine Comedy
Edmund Spenser – The Faerie Queene
John Bunyan – Pilgrim's Progress
Jonathan Swift – A Tale of a Tub