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The second most popular game we played as children was house...?

but as I got older I gave up childish games, now i'm 30 all my friends are playing house again......Does anyone else think a lot of people have never grown up....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Well, most games are training for future roles, same as kittens hunting balls of paper or dead leaves to prepare for when they mature and have to hunt.
So, playing "House", "Doctors and Nurses" , "Spies and
Spy-Catchers" and "Cops and Robbers" are all games that teach us how to function in society.
Now my favourite game of all time happens to be "Murder in the Dark." Sadly, once I grew up, no-one wants to play that one. I also loved "Mods and Rockers", "Exterminate the semolina" (based on early Dr. Who themes... I hated semolina!) and "Squeak Piggy Squeak" (anyone remember that one?) If only I knew the reasoning behind the games earlier on, I might have got myself a great job with the C.T.U.
SO??? Do tell ... what was THE most popular game you guys played?