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Do you flash your car highbeams to warn oncoming drivers of a police speed trap?

my peev! I think that this a acceptable thing to do in the game of the road - it adds some balance to the unfairness of certain speed traps set up at a point just where the speed slows down and even a modest driver has not even had a chance to adjust thier speed - can you say MONEY GRAB!!??

Canadians sucks when it comes to this!!!!!

Additional Details

8 months ago

shannon G: i am Canadian to eh! - i feel it is ok to say anything i want about us as a community - sorry for the disrespect all the same!

AND it is not illegal to warn of a speedtrap! As far as i know, what the law have charged me with is "improper use of a highbeams!"

Very VERY easy to beat in court!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Here in Canada, it is illegal, although I have done it, before I knew of the law against it...

Thanks for the put down by the way... mighty neighbourly of you.

( smiling over here, no worries eh? )

Have a good one.