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Does anyone in the world like art anymore?

I feel like Answers is so superficial and doesn't really delve into interesting or intellectual topics. My favorite artists are Heironymous Bosch, MC Escher, and Salvador Dali but I enjoy many many more.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Yes! I do! The only problem is that everyone has a different definition of what "art" is. And we tend to receive a formal education that is more skill based than mind opening. I love to paint, and techniquely what I do is 'art', or so I am told. I paint because it is my Zen place.

I find that few people slow down to notice what is beautiful, interesting, or even just thought-provoking. Perhaps you find that frustrating as well. I love the work of Van Gogh and J. Ruth Gendler, and Aboriginal artist Gail Sinclair (the fact that she is a relation is moot). Perhaps you need to ask more pointed questions. I am so woefully ignorant about art that I've not heard of Bosch... but I'm going to find out. Good Luck - Andrea