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Opinions on a poem puh-lease?

What was once a clouded dream, a mystery beyond the stars,
unraveled to become a reality.
Thought of, sought after, desired-absence induced curiosity, the brightness of black, the loud echo of silence.
Shattered like a mirror, splintered into the sky-
One key to open this door, a step through, this door will disappear.
Silver flutters of remnants, there is no going back, there is no way back.
Wrapped in bittersweet, welcomed by black and white, falling into love.
With a gaze and a blink I'm gone, I'm there-
Everpresent, overwhelmed, lost, sad and kind-
Starbursts of blue and green spark from a center of red and orange marble,
crystal castles composing a fantasy of colored reality that isn't there

(Constructive criticism if any, I'm not a pro, just jotted it down one night)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I like it, I see it as the process of falling in love. You dream of it, you do it, but it wasn't real, it's never real. My take on it is that it's very good. I like the imagery and how it ties together.