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What does this poem mean? Sara Teasdale's The Crystal Gazer?

The Crystal Gazer

I shall gather myself into my self again,
I shall take my scattered selves and make them one.
I shall fuse them into a polished crystal ball
Where I can see the moon and the flashing sun.

I Shall sit like a sibyl, hour after hour intent.
Watching the future come and the present go -
And the little shifting pictures of people rushing
In tiny self-importance to and fro.

Sara Teasdale

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I read it to mean that Sara had been involved in many things, but became a bit of a cynic. She stopped being so many different selves to so many different people and became just herself, watching the world go by as she contemplated the silliness that is mankind. One man's opinion.