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Dark and Barren Land?

A rose blooms in a dark and barren land. I pick the rose as night falls and take it home. I called to the rose, young and sweet not letting go, I wait for the night. As I hold to it, the blood runs down my hands from the thorns.

I cry for life to end the darkness as my tears falls to the blood soak ground. Night falls, I close my eyes for the on coming demons of the night. I lifted my eyes toward the heavens for the answers and there was none.

From my hands I saw a light, a dim light slowly pushing back the darkness. The rose calling to me in a small still voice answering my cry for help.

Then thunderous sound breaks from the young sweet rose. The light breaking forth as to do battle with the demons of the night. The bright light overcomes the dark night as sunshine??s in the dark land. The ground shakes where the blood and tears mix, a rose breaks through the ground, giving life to a dark and barren land

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8 months ago
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All Right!! Cheers, friend.. Very cool.. finally some culture around here..