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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > I'm writing a "native american" poem, tell me if it makes you feel as


I'm writing a "native american" poem, tell me if it makes you feel as if an indian wrote it.?

"Mother Earth"

The wind whispers in my ear
As I run through the cool forest.
I hear the voice of the earth wishing to feel
The warmth of the sun
I swim in the flowing waters
With the restless salmon at my side
The trees drop their acorns
To feel less weight
We all live, feel, grow
We can??t thrive alone
We need each other
As the fish needs the stream
As the tide needs the moon
We all need the power
The greatness of all nature

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8 months ago
keep in mind i am an eighth grader

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

it does sound like it could either be Wiccan, Pagean, or yes, Native American.

i like it, good job! :)