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Can you explain Neuro Linguistic Programming?

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Neuro (to do with the brain)
Linguistic (understanding the language of)
Programming (deliberately making something work in an effective manner on a particular task)

So, in brief, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a form of non-invasive theraputic intervention in the internal communications within a persons brain.

It operates on the principal that we are creatures of narrative, and are constantly telling ourselves the 'story' of our existance. Our brains store information by connecting it to other - pre-existing- things it has stored. It connects.

Sometimes the maps, connections and scripts that we use to describe our lives are out-dated, negative or simply inefficient - stored in our unconscious mind years ago and no longer of any positive benefit.

The premise of NLP is that a person can 'install' new behaviour using similar principals to how the old ones were set up... using a series of visual, aural or physical interupts to the patterns that are making our lives not as positive or interesting as we'd like it. Then when the system is 'on the back foot' as it were, a new - more positive or beneficial - pattern or connection can be dropped into place.

I trained in NLP back in the early 1990's and found it to have the possiblity to be an immensly powerful tool. Since then, however, it has been adopted by 'power' hungry 'gurus' and cold-calling sales teams to try to convince people to buy stuff that they don't know they don't need.