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Is art n science linked?

art n science are different fields but there can be some similarities or links...?

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science and art are definately related subjects.

SCIENCE :this is an organised and systemitized body of knowledge based on proper findings and exact principals which are universal.

ART: this is an ability or skill which is incorporated in an individual or a community due to practice.

for the sucess of every art form , science is required.the more acuurate you are the better is your art form and accuracy is gained in art only with the help of science.for every successful art form it is very important to maintain balance between the various elements of art which is again possible via a strong scientific in his history has learned to make civilizational and cultural progress only because of the fast and rapid development of the sucess man has gained in the field of language,communication,vast spread of knowledge etc. is only because of science.without a strong scientific base and technology spread of this knowledge would not hav been possible.

similarly science is dependent on art. the more creative and skillful a person is the better is his ability to give solutions to a situation or a definately requires art for a better future because science is all about a creative mind which is only gained through art.