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When I was younger I always wrote, I want to get back into writing, what is the best way?

My parents and everyone else says I have a gift but I don't know how to use it you know. I want to use my writing to the best of my abilities. Help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I took about a year off from writing, which isn't very long compared to what I think you're describing. When I actually tried to figure out why it was that I had stopped writing, I realized it was because a lot of variables had been changed. I came to the conclusion that I think clearer and come up with better ideas when I write late at night (between midnight and sunrise). My old job allowed me the freedom to to stay up all night and write, but my new one did not. So, I played around with my schedule and allowed myself some time late at night to just sit down and write.

That was just one variable that I had to play around with in order to be able to write again. Anyway, the point is, maybe you should try to get yourself into the mind set you were when you were younger and loved to write so much. Try to reclaim at least a small part of that time period when writing just flowed out of you and hopefully you'll be able to write again like you used to.