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Whats you favorite poem or quote?

favorite poem or quote, WHY? and what does it mean to YOU? WHO is it by?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I am Nobody! Who are you,
Are you nobody too?
Then there's a pair of us - Don't Tell!
They'd banish us you know

How dreary to be somebody,
How public, like a fog.
To tell your name the live long day,
To an admiring BOG!!
~Emily Dickenson

I like this poem, because Emily was asociety cast out, she had different views that to society would be looked at as un- lady like. I a way she was a patriot of poetry. No one took her seriously, because her writing style was different.

Well This is how society views me. I hold a peice of this poem close to my heart, and I think it's right. I would rather be nobody to the masses, then have my life all over the media.