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How can i make some cool christmas decorations?

please keep the directions simple and keep in mind that im blonde. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

cute and easy snow man-
use a small med and large styrofoam balls, stack together using toothpicks and hot glue, glue three different buttons down the front of the middle ball, pick two sticks the same size for arms and stick in each side of the middle ball (glue the ends to be sure it stays), wrap a piece of material cut into a strip (or a cut up shoe string (red or green is cute) around the base of the top ball for a scarf, use two tiny seed beads for eyes (or those crazy eyes you can buy in a craft section), take a peice of construction paper, laminate it, then cut and glue it into a cone for the nose, then, add a "hat" of your choice... Then let your imagination do the rest!