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What is the most beautiful thing, that's not a person?

II'm looking to write a poem about a girl and I'm looking to compare her to something that is beautiful. Something creative, but beautiful. So the birth of children and things like that are not applicable (for the most part). But we're going for poetry here.

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8 months ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

wow, you sound creative.
compare her to chocolate as it melts in your mouth..
the color of the sky JUST before it starts getting light by the sun at dawn..
the patterns made from cigarette smoke,
the little colored stripes of rainbow at the edge of your freshly cleaned mirror,
the feel of a warm breeze of breath near your face, in a cold night,
the sound of rain on the rooftop ay night.
a little kitten playin with some string..
the smell of fresh coffee..
the smell of fresh bread..
the smell of the swearter of someone you love..
the way butterflies circle around.
the way the full moon looks in a clear summer night sky.
the color of clouds as they go all pink & red with sunset..
the sound of your favorite song in the background as you talk to your girl on the phone..
compare her to her perfume.. feminine & seductive..
compare her to good intentions, sweet dreams & passion..

I hope you get your inspiration soon,
good luck.