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Creative Christmas Letters?

I write the Christmas letter for my family every year. I am looking for a creative way to write it.
This is what I have already done...
Pets point of view
A quiz
A poem
Similar to Twas Night Before Christmas

Additional Details

8 months ago
What if I am looking to tell about the family this year? IE. What went on

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

1, write your letter in the form of notes on paper snowflakes that you make yourself. Each person can get a few snowflakes with your different messages written on them.

2. Make a string of "paper doll snowmen" and write your letter on that

3. make a scroll of paper with cinnamon sticks holding the top and bottom.. perhaps have the letter be from santa claus telling what your year was like and if you've all been "naughty or nice".

4. Draw and write your letter in the form of a newspaper complete with black and white photos (made with a copy machine from color ones). Call it the "Tinsel Times" or something to that effect.

Your ideas are great... Nice thought!