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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > If you were going to spend 2-3months in a tropical rainforest (e.g. the amazon)


If you were going to spend 2-3months in a tropical rainforest (e.g. the amazon) what would you take with you?

Can you please say why too

You only have an ordinary size rucksack so you cannot take huge things eg your family - I already have binoculars food and water

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

i would take my survival package,and a need for the rucksack.
the survival package contains :
fishhooks,fishing wire,matches,needles,some wire,a bandage,a few pills(medical),and a few water-cleaning tablets,and its about the size of a wallet. i think of it,i will take the rucksack,you never know what i find along the way..:-)

why..i guess with that pack and a knife,i probably would be able to keep me alive.