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I am from a world distant. Can you help me?

I have landed here after a journey long. Using my systems I have managed to log into your internet and I surf for long time. I learnt your language. I seen your people.You are strange.

There is so much weapons here, so many violence and I am scared to make contact with people of this world. There not much compassion here. They make jokes and have music but they also kill people and make people work all day long like slaves. On my world we live in luxury and share everything and everyone happy. There no violence or big battles.

Please could you help. Will I be welcomed or will they use me to test? I surf and I see on net that they want to do test on people from other worlds.

I cannot return to my world for 1,423,765 days because that is when next photon belt arrive.

I need next meal soon. Please help.

Additional Details

7 months ago
I come here because I get lost.

I scared now. Some people nice, some people are horrible.

I so confused I think I am going to have an attack of the heart or a nervous downbreak.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

take me with you space dude!! not all of us partake or enjoy the violence and bad things of the world?

how did your kind vanquish it? genetic cleansing? drugs? rigid orwellian dictatorship?