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I need help with a simple poem!PLease help:D?

Well my school gets to enter in a competition for peoms and I need help with one simple word that I need to use for the poem!This is not really like cheating(which my english teacher said)bacause it is just a word.Well my poem is an emotion poem.For example:
Anger is red
It taste like liver and onions
It smells like burning tires
It sounds like a fire alarm
Anger feels like stepping barefoot on broken glass
Well the help I am hoping you will give which will be very kind, is a color emotion for the word worried.Such as:
Worried is ?????
I need a color to fill in those questins marks.
And that answer will come straight from you!I hope:D
I need the word for tommorrow and there,I am done!With the thanks to you :D

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Dark gloomy gray.