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Who could sponser me to be a free mason?

I would like to belong to the Free Masons and I need a sponsor..can anyone help me out with that?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Your sponsor needs to be someone who knows you. The sponsor will have to answer questions about your personality and whether they believe that you would understand, believe, and follow the principles of Masonry.

It is against Masonic principle to recommend somone that you do not know. If you do not have a brother, uncle, dad, cousin, work friend, school counselor, boss, friend who is a Mason, then how would anyone know if this would be right for you.

Just start asking any male you know. Don't be shy with it, ask, ask, ask. You may be suprised.

Without a sponsor, then you can still petition, but be prepared to do alot of talking. I hope your faith is in the right place.