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Poem... hecklers need not read or post, constructive not critical please.?

My ex asked me to write a poem for him... what do you think.. does it express clearly how I feel... do you think he would get how I'm feeling?

Two Peas

Two peas in a pod... what we were destined to be...

You keep professing love.. but I just can't see

Your words and actions... speak of intentions unkind

To her your body is given... but you say your heart is still mine

Your silence with me... has my love now undone

No longer do I want our lives to one day be as one

You can't have us both... I deserve better than this

So I tell you goodbye now... but what I thought we had I will always miss....

Additional Details

7 months ago
Not my husband... ex fiancee... and yes I do love him with all my heart but he has chosen to be with someone who is living in same city with him physically but says he wants to "do this" and will I give him time because his heart is still mine.... I think he is lying and just trying to have us both.

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