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I wanna make a Christmas gift out of papermashay but i dont know how to make papermashay can somone help???

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Paper mache is time consuming if you want to do it well, and kind of an odd present, but I'm sure your gesture will be appreciated.

You just need to dip some newspaper in paste and use it to form you desired shape. You may want to put it on top of a mold first to get the shape right and then put the pasty paper on top. For the mold you can use balloons, cardboard, toilet paper rolls, whatever stays together. You may also want to paste some paper on the mold in a layer, allow it to dry, and then come back and continue. Putting to much wet paste at once can mess up the mold underneath.

When you're done pasting, you'll want to paint your creation. I think using white paper for the last layer would make this easier, since newspaper print might show through the paint, requiring more coats to be used. I think acrylic paint should be fine.

Also I don't know if you can buy the paste at a store (I wouldn't be surprised), but you can make it yourself. I found a few recipes here: