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I need help any handwriting prefrences?

my handwriting is horrible, i dont mind messy handwriting its just that mine is so bla, i would trade for anyone elses handwriting, does any body know what i should do or where to go to find how to write differently

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

One thing to consider in improving penmanship is how you grip your pencil. If you hold the pen in a death grip your muscels are going to stiff and you'll get writers cramp.

Positions of finger tips and proper grip need to be addresses. Hold the loosly between the index finger and thumb.

Assuming your right handed try this.

Have a pen or pencil laying in front of you on a table with its writing tip pointing to your left.

Make an OK sign by touching your index finger onto your thumb. Relax the other three fingers and let them curve under your index finger. Your middle finger will naturally touch the botton of your thumb. If you look at your finger tips the tips of your thumb, index and middle fingers will be just touching each other

Now without moving your fingers place your hand in front of you on the table, your little finger and tip of your ring finger will be touching the table top.

With out moving you other fingers straighten out your index finger.
With your left hand grab the pen/pencil in front of you in the middle and lay it into your hand. The pen will rest on the web(the flesh between your thumb and index finger) and in the groove formed by your index finger touching your thumb. (The tip of the pen will be about 3/4 of an inch beyond your thumb tip.

Now that the pen is resting in your hand, relax your index finger and let it com down ontop of the pen. (Your grip should not be too tight)

Try that and see if it makes an improvment.