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In the present world, science has been developing fast, but people still have a high opinion of artists?

what can the arts tell us of the life that science can not?

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You had to catch me with this question...when Ive got only 20 Min's to get to the post office....

science concrete SURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm trying to think...of the fastest way and still be totally understood!.. :)
Art is perception, opinion .....sureal...not realistic..although it can is a concept or idea or feeling that if some lucky people have the talent ..the y can express that wonderful idea or concept or feeling and capture it without holding it for hostage in the form of many many ways ...and it is what anyone sees in it...

Science tells us the facts of life .....and art shows us that there is so much more than facts to life......i hope i did a decent job...and ive still got time for the post office!!!!
have a wonderful life .....scientifically and artistically