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I have a old bottle with a swastika on it?

(on it ) mumby table water makers by appointment to h.m. the king portsmouth british syphon co. ltd london reg # 699553

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7 months ago
How old is it and how can i find out how much can i get for it

7 months ago
(on it also ) the late king edward the 8
it has tobe befor the war 2

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I don't know what it is, but you shouldn't assume the symbol has anything to do with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.

The "swastika", or wheel of life, is an ancient symbol that once upon a time (before Hitler came along) could be found throughout the world, in several civilizations and cultures.

It was common in America among American Indian tribes.

Until the Nazis ruined everything, even the Boy Scouts of America used that symbol, because they emulate American Indian culture.

Your bottle probably originated in India, as the wheel of life is quite common in that part of the world, and India was part of the British Empire.

Actually, I think people are rather stupid to give up part of their ancient heritage just because it was misused by one misguided man.