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Anybody have a miserable life?

I have a miserable life, a very miserable life. My family gives me stress, everybody makes fun of me, I do bad in school, my pictures look very ugly (mostly in 4th grade), I have to wake up early for school 7:00 A.M. until July, and I get a bunch of homework. How about you?

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Miserable well i think we all have been there, Stress well i guess that never stops no matter what your age, Miserable oh boy.. back in school i was a nerd!! picked on oh yes! ugly well i could not miss seeing my old school photo's. Bad in school jeez not even funny because i was always daydreaming myself to a better place. But i will tell you what, after i finished school i got a job worked on my self confidence, my body grew into a much better looking guy, and i started my own business and have done well for myself so what I'm saying is we have to get past those miserable days and when we do the good ones are around the corner it just takes time.