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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > What do you call those haiku type poems, but it's words rather than syllables.?


What do you call those haiku type poems, but it's words rather than syllables.?

Such as 3 words 5 words 3 words. This isn't an official poetry type but I'm curious what it was called... or some kind of form of writing... aargh!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

HAIKU is a Japanese form of poetry consisting of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables. Tanka is also based on syllables, not words. In English language versions, often different numbers of syllables are used, as English and Japanese are so different structurally.

"Not an official poetry type ...", you say. Well, in elementary school classes, sometimes students are encouraged to write poems having all three-word lines, 3-4-5 word lines, etc. But these are not accepted poetry forms, so they would be called "Free Verse". No, "Free Verse" poetry does not have to rhyme.