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When is the last time you blew bubbles?

Or jumped in a puddle? Or picked a flower just to smell it? What little things do you like to do that make you smile? Stuff that nobody really pays attention to in life. I'm curious to see what people do when they're feeling down. Or things you do when you're happy, just to be happier. Does anybody like to just sit back and enjoy life for a few minutes out of your hectic schedules? Or does America not believe in that anymore....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Picked a rose yesterday it is on my desk here in my room, viewed the stars this evening and noticed the ring around the moon...recalled that the ring usually means rain. Saw a friend today I haven't seen in awhile. Started to write a stroy. Remembered the yellow crocuses that came up through the snow and the way the snow sparkled. Played some music...watched a bird outside my window...I jumped in a puddle a few days ago while walking my dog. I hope to finish a book tonight.

I hope you can too...and I think some of America has forgotten but there are enough of us who haven't.