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Too much??

I absolutely love extra-curricular activities. Right now, I am taking two dance classes on Monday, and a gymnastics class on Tuesday. Both were off for the holidays, but dance starts back up on the 10th of January, but gymnastics doesn't start back up until FEBRUARY the 10th. I would really like to audition for the musical our local theater is putting on, Aladdin, but I'm afraid it's going to be too much physical activity for me. Well, I'm not, it's more my mom. Rehearsal is 3-4 times a week, most of the time on a Monday, but only sometimes does it interfere with my schedule, not always, sometimes I might have to miss gymnastics or miss the last half hour of dance class, but I want to do this more than gymnastics. I really do, and I wish I could tell my mom that. I still want dance class, but I never have to miss all of dance class. It's still a lot of driving, she says. ERGHLACK. Someone help...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

If you really want to be involved in it, do it! I always get involved in my school productions and yes, it does take up quite some time and it is a lot of work for 10 weeks, but i would never give up something i love for anything in the world. Explain to your mum how important this is to you and reassure her that whatever classes you will miss, it won't be too much and you can catch up easily. Surely, she must understand. Most young people sit at home watching t.v or hang around with their gangster friends, she should be glad that your getting out there exploring the world and everything it has to offer. Good Luck! :)