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Why, if angels don't have sex, they appear with a penis in pictures, sculptures and fountains?

They use them only to pee or what?

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6 months ago
Oh, well, Ophelia, have a look at this Christian Church in Cantabria (north of Spain):

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You are missing the point. Angels would not be angelic if they did not have sex because they COULD NOT have sex. What makes them angels (in part) is that, even though they are all (male as well as female angels) really HOTT, they don't want each other (or other beings) in a sexual way. They have evolved to a level of spirituality where they don't need orgasms to feel bliss. Therefore, male angels have pensises and female angels have breasts, wombs, clitorises, etc. Of course, whether female angels exist is a vexed question. On the other hand, an angel is supposedly made out of material that is incredibly flexible yet totally indestructible. Hence, it is theoretically possible, according to the bylaws of the angel community as well as the physical and spiritual laws governing the production and existence of angels, that any angel can be of any sex or sexless at any time.