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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > I plug my ELectric Guitar into my keroke machine, since i don't have a guitar am


I plug my ELectric Guitar into my keroke machine, since i don't have a guitar amp.?

Why does it sound like an acoustic with no distortion..?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Question, if you were to plug a microphone into your kareoke machine instead of the guitar, would it make your voice soound distorted? No. Because the K.M. isn't designed to distort what is imputted. And your electric guitar? The pick-ups on it just pick up the vibrations and transfer it to whichever amplifier you happen to be using. The distortion you are looking for is something a guitar amplifier can do -- not the guitar (other than a wha-wha bar), provided that "feature" is turned on. If you insist on having your K.M. distort your guitar playing, turn te volum up as loud as it will go. Chances are, you'll get into the overload range and provided you don't blow your speaker out, it will sound distorted...