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What kind of character would you go for if you were...?

targeting at 18-25 yr olds on an animation project in regards to global warming. I need a character that pops up and says, switch you TV off coz u save electricity, or naughty naughty, you have been wasting too much water! you get punished. or car sharing is good, if u dont, then you are making the world a bad place for your generations to come i.e. your kids will suffer at you hands etc. what kind of character would you use and why? does this caharcter have special powers? or what? i think a devil and angel thing going on. or a fairy at hand like in Peter Pan. what do you think.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think an animated human hand.
After all it is the hand of humanity that is causing the problem.
The hand can signal stop, can perform the actions you want.
You have said it yourself, 'your kids will suffer at your hands'.
See you already had the answer.
Please to help you.