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Why there are so little people go to NY museum??

why there are so little people go to NYmuseme?? DO it have some paoblems?? Do you know??
please answer me ,! THANK YOU!!! ^-^

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6 months ago
I mean why there so few people go there,not little. I just want to know if the museum have some problems??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I don't quite understand your question. Are you saying that few people in NY go to museums. If that's the meaning of your comment then you are quite wrong, at times it is quite hard to get around in any museum, especially on a weekend, our museums are mobbed, even at the high prices. We have many museums, some of the best in the world, and they are enjoyed by the locals as well as visitors.
If you mean why don't short people go, well, that's a question that nobody can answer!