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What are some simple steps or creative ideas that people can take at home and work to combat global warming?

Global warming is not only one of the most threatening environmental problems, but one of the greatest challenges facing all of humanity. Danger signs are surfacing worldwide as temperatures increase (the last ten years have been the hottest years ever recorded causing glaciers and the polar ice caps to melt, coastal areas to flood and storms to become more severe). If left unchecked, global warming will continue to have a profound impact on our planet that will eventually cause catastrophic results. Fortunately, there are things each of us can do. Buildings -- including our homes -- are major contributors to greenhouse gases they??re responsible for up to 40% of all energy and resource use and approximately 1/3 of greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming.

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Hi Leo:
I've changed my lightbulbs to those energy-efficient type. I recycle all my plastic, juice and lass containers, and have a compost. I drive a small 4 cyclinder car, and we car pool whenever possible for work. However, I feel that it is just a very minute contribution to combating GW. It's the major corporations, factories and the highways that really need a kick in the pants to wake up! It doesn't take a genious to figure out that our earth in is danger, I applaud the work you are putting into this cause. There are way too many airplanes/jets polluting up our skies.