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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > If I play a D,E,or F on my Alto Saxophone it squeaks. Any ideas why or/and how t


If I play a D,E,or F on my Alto Saxophone it squeaks. Any ideas why or/and how to fix it?

At 1st I thought it was my reed but it wasn' happened in band on thursday and now today. The sound either comes out as a squeak or as if I was just blowing in air. I checked all of the screws but didn't find any loose. Its pretty annoying because I'm trying to practice and I can't

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

If you are talking about the middle or low D, E, and F, you have a leak in one or more of your pads. This could be due to the pad not seating properly which will probably need to be fixed by a repairman. Or it could be the pad not coming down all the way which may be as simple as tightening an adjustment screw to fix. While playing the low notes, have someone gently push down some of the pads to see if you can find track it down.