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Is there stupid man and clever man or all are the same?

as i think whom try to think and use his mind is a clever because all people in the same grade of intellegnce aren't they?
as i read in a magazine!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Intelligence refers to one's ability to learn things. Highly intelligent people learn more quickly and easily than people of lesser intelligence. There are vastly different degrees of intelligence, so no, all people are not the same. One is "clever" if s/he is able to harness her/his intelligence effectively in dealing with a given situation or situations in general. Thus, one person may be more intelligent than another, while the less intelligent person, because s/he better adapts to what is going on around her/him, is more clever than the more intelligent person. Very, very often, people of lesser intelligence are compelled by the competitiveness of life to be more clever in order to make their way in society.