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Any one knows about Hawaiian Kapa?

I checked a website did not find any direct order online there.. anyone can help? how to find hawaiian kapa? Thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

"There were a great abundance of wauke plants grown in Hawai`i prior to the introduction of foreign fabrics, but now this once cherished plant is rarely to be found."

Today, tapa making that uses wauke, is a thriving industry in Samoa, where tapa is known as siapo. In Hawaii, wauke is rare and the tapa industry is almost non existent.

Looks like you will have a better chance of obtaining Samoan kapa. Email TUPITO@SIAPO.COM. Please keep in mind that Samoa and Hawai'i are Polynesian islands that share many of the same canoe plants; thus these plants are related!

Incidentally, in many Polynesian languages the "T" and "K" interchanges; thus in Hawai'i we have Kapa, and in Samoa it is Tapa.

Long-winded answer short: looks like will be your best. Then again, you can always try to propagate the plant : HOW TO PLANT A NATIVE HAWAIIAN GARDEN

I hope this information is helpful. Aloha