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Can anyone explain the construction of poetry?

satudying tam o'shanter but am unable to talk about the general construction of the poem as I don't understand it!!!

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5 months ago
Thank you to you all...and I'll be buying that book as soon as!!!x

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I'm not sure what you are looking for in terms of "construction." It is written in rhyming couplets, four feet per line. IT tells a traditional tale, and might be said to be a modified ballad form.

Other than that, just look at it as a story: it is quite like a ghost story, or kid's tale, with a moral about the dangers of drinking, though it is offered a bit tongue in cheek, I'd say. Talk about how the story is told: what comes first, who the implied speaker is, who the implied audience is, whether it seems to be told as it is happening or about a past event, etc.