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E-books: who is reading them?

I see a lot of questions on Yahoo Answers about e-books and it makes me wonder, who is reading them and what do they like about them?

I have worked in both publishing and libraries, yet I don' t know anyone who owns has an e-book reader. I read newspapers and journals at my desktop and via Blackberry. I have read books online. But if I want to sink my teeth into something, I will always prefer to actually have the item (newspaper, book, or mag) in my hand.

I have never LOVED an e-book. Something about the medium makes it seem frivolous like some blog entry. Maybe I am just an old fart at 30.

So I'm interested. If you read E-books why do you like them? Is it just the convenience? How old are you? Please tell me there are some pre-teens out there who read books!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

you kinda nailed it. A good book is truely a welcomed possession. You can go back and re-read it at any point of time,....anywhere. I have tried to read an e-book but "it" just was not there for me.

You can mark the good parts, fold the pages,..books are supposed to be tactile. E-books will never have that. If a book moves you? You can loan it to a friend and share the emotion....yet another thing the e-book will never possess.