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My boss treats me very badly.?

compared to others his attitude towards me is alien.,i.e. he is being very good to others n bad to me.

WHAT DO I DO????????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You need to work out why. Is it him, or is it you? Does he have a bias or prejudice of some sort on the basis of race, gender, age, language? If so, start documenting incidents and preparing to sue him if you think it's worth it. Sometimes it's easier to just look for a better job.

If it's not something like that, then do you know what the problem is? Has he complained anything specific, and if not, can you ask him to please be specific? An answer like "you just rub me the wrong way," or anything else too vague should be responded with, "Boss, I want to do this job well. Please tell me what you think I am doing wrong, specifically, and give me a chance to do it right."

Again, if you can't get that much cooperation, it's probably better to just try to move along. But you need not say that to him. Just say, "I don't know what else I can do if you won't be specific."

Unfortunately, if you are young and attractive and single, the problem may be that he cannot tell you what the problem is: that he is distracted by lustful thoughts of you. And if you are not very careful in your talking with him, he could imagine you want to encourage these lustful thoughts. So very careful, all ears on full alert, OK?

And remember your own dignity, first and last.