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Do you know any website where I could learn how to make a cool signature?

My signature sucks!!! Help, anyone? Thank you!!! ^_^

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Your signature does not suck, it is fine. If you want a different signature, sit down and write out the the letters in your name in cursive, one letter at a time in a column on the left side of the paper. The Capitols of your Name in Capitol, the rest in lower case. The letters you find uncomfortable to write, play with in the row next to that letter. when you like and are comfortable with how they look seperately, slowly and deliberately write each letter next to each other. it will look choppy , but all you are doing is seeing if they look consistant next to each other. Next, get a clean piece of paper and write your name with all the florishes and swoops you want, based on the letter style you made up all by yourself. Have fun and relax with it.