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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > If you could change one in History, what would it be? And why?


If you could change one in History, what would it be? And why?

The outcome of the battle of Hastings?
The Decolonisation of the British Empire?
The holocaust?
Writing of the holy texts?
Birth of Hitler?
The fall of the Roman Empire?
(Examples above)

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6 months ago
Isn't it Amazing how the smallest thing can change everything.
Cause and effect! The world could be so different! The probability of me writing this now is so unlikely!

6 months ago
For you religous people... would it be the creation of other religons!?!?!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I would like to go back to 1989 and not marry the SOB that I just divorced.