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Can theatre plays give transcripts to hard-of-hearing or deaf people so that they may enjoy the show...?

I was wondering if I was to ask the appropriate people in charge of the play, whether it's a big play or small play (like one given at a university) whether they might provide one or not.. Is that unheard of or what?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

No, it isn't unheard of, but it doesn't work very well. Just imagine, for a moment, what it would be like to sit with a script on your lap,flashlight in hand, reading the script of a movie that had the sound track turned off. You might be able to get a copy of the play in advance, so the person watching could at least be familiar with the plot and the characters. But there are several companies of deaf players, who sign their dialogue. This gives the hearing impaired playgoer the ability to watch the action and to understand the dialogue at the same time.