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What do you think of this poem?

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'Dead folk hero' tunes used to play,
on her beta everyday.
Cult of personality protects him now,
as a scepter of lies injected fades into
rough, infected hands with dry skin.
The diseased mind in his established quarters tunes out.
He lives for less than the value of zero.
Confounded and confused;
she didn't dare speak of reciprocity,
with both sides going.
Pointless tragedy.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Actually as I have mentioned before I think that you are very talented. I do not find what the others here have said to be true,
in fact quite the opposite.
You do not use too many words nor are you necessitated to have poems rhyme, as anyone should know especially if they are critiquing someone Else's work.

The reason why I like what you wrote is because it speaks to me of loss and tragedy and therefore love.